Day 5: Monday 8th of July

Day 5: Monday 8th of July

Today was the first workday on the New Holland island with a new member of the group, Alina. Welcome to the group!

We started today with a lecture and discussion with a sociologist, of the European university at Saint Petersburg, Oleg Pachenkov. He made us realise that New Holland is not a public space but actually the place is owned, but opened up for the citizens and as well that you can not make a public space for everyone, because then no one would feel welcomed and nobody would use the space. So we should define target groups. The second thing he told us, is the connection with the surrounding of the island. Maybe we can connect it with university sites, which are going to be realised in the west and south part of New Holland. Or make a pedestrian or bicycle route from New Holland.

Presentation of concepts

After this intensive interesting discussion we presented our three concepts we made yesterday. Everyone react with ambitions and critical points, by putting post-its on the wall. The 'oyster' concept which has a dynamic edge of the island and static inside to relax. The 'worm' with a dynamic route through the buildings and outside into the island. The last concept is 'the ruins', where the icon of the monuments are very important. The monument is based on a socle a, by lowering of the surface level.

Concept drawings

We discussed every concept and came to the solution that we could combine the 'worm concept' into both of the other concepts. So we divided the whole group into two new groups.

Lecture Oleysa Turkina

At 19.00 o clock we had a lecture of Oleysa Turkina. She told us about contemporary art. She came up with the idea to let artist be part of New Holland, by making temporary dwellings for artist or studio's. Space matters to artists!

We will see how all of this gained knowledge of today will be part of the final proposal on friday!