5 Professions for the Future in the Myak School

06/03/2019 - 08/30/2019


The Mayak school's five-day intensive courses give participants the opportunity to try their hand at a number of disciplines within the creative industries: architecture, film-making, photography, animation, illustration, journalism, and many more besides. Each of the five days focuses on mastering a particular field, with the end result being a fully-fledged project created by the participant in each of the disciplines. The courses are run by the Mayak school’s teachers specialising in the relevant areas.

The classes are run in groups for children aged 7-10 and 11-15. The courses will be taking place on a weekly basis from June to August, Monday-Friday from 11am until 5pm. All participants will be awarded a certificate on completion of each course. Course cost – 16 000 roubles. Included in the price for the course are all necessary materials and food – lunch plus two snack-breaks.

Further information about each intensive course and the teachers running them can be found on the Mayak school website or by calling +7 812 926 77 56