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Finding Gretel. Interactive play for children

2:00 pm, 4:00 pm
Finding Gretel

September 25, 2:00 pm, 4:00 pm

The P.T.H. Creative Manufacture is presenting an interactive play Finding Gretel on the island.

Young visitors of New Holland will be met by the Grimm Brothers’ characters: Rapunzel, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood and Gretel. They will put on magical hoods and earphones and go on an exciting trip full of adventures and wonders. And when the trip is over and all the mysteries, puzzles and quizes are solved, kids and fairy-tales characters can relax at a fantastic picnic.

The show is on two times throughout the day: 2:00 pm, 4:00 pm.

To take part in the play please send an application email with your contacts, number of children you are taking to the show and the preferable time of the show to rsvp@newhollandsp.com.

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