Sergey Sokolovsky: An evening with the indpendent publisher Korovaknigi (Cow-Books)

7:30 pm Pavilion
Lecture Hall

August 22, 7:30 pm

Sergey Sokolovsky is a prose-writer and publisher, whose short-stories have been published in periodicals and almanacs including Babylon, The New Literary Observer, Union of Writers, Nosorog (Rhinoceros) and Abzatz (Paragraph). He is the author of the books Fest Food (2002), Hypnoglyph (2012), Good Conquers Evil (2015) and The Steelworker’s First Aid Kit (2017).

Admission is free of charge. The number of participants is limited. Please register in advance.

A series of meetings for people interested in contemporary prose and poetry will include theoretical lectures on literature and book presentations as well as short poetry and prose readings. Every writer who has been invited to the literary readings is connected in some way either with St Petersburg itself or with the writing that the city inspired. In this way, one of the programme’s thematic tenets will be the interaction between the city and the text, characters and heroes of prose fiction and research works. This is further enhanced by the particular mythical richness of New Holland island, located on the border with St Petersburg’s Kolomna, the city’s most important “literary” region.

Along with the most important and influential representatives of the St Petersburg literary scene, also invited to take part are authors whose creative and research interests are connected to an extent with the reevaluation of St Petersburg’s writings, its history and mythology. Writers including Alexander Ilyanen, Alexander Skidan, Pavel Pepperstein, Alexandra Petrova, Lev Danilkin and Alexey Konakov will address the meetings’ audiences.