Philosophy lectures: Denis Sivkov – Nine Strange People, or Microsociology on the Screen

4 PM – 6 PM Pavilion


September 29, 4 PM

Admission is free of charge, lecture is delivered in Russian. Attendees must register in advance (link in Russian).

Philosophy lectures

Curator: Alexey Artamanov, film critic, Editor,

The relationship between film and philosophy has a long history: when the new medium first appeared in the moderne epoch, it provoked a great deal of thought, and not only about film itself. At various times in history, the filmmaker has frequently been a subject of discussion, a metaphor for thought and perception, a peculiar form of knowledge, and much more besides. Cinema, unlike works of philosophy, is familiar to all, and is an integral part of the collective human experience.

It is for this very reason that film can help us to understand contemporary, and in some cases largely inaccessible, philosophical concepts. In this lecture cycle, Russian researchers and scholars representing a range of disciplines will use individual films to resolve the philosophical problems that occupy their thoughts, along with the relationship between philosophy and film.