New Holland Island International Debut Film Festival Education Programme. FAMU Film and TV School (Czech Republic): lectures and graduates movies

10/26/2019 - 10/27/2019
19:30–21:00 Pavilion

October 26–27

FAMU, established in 1947 and built by the efforts of the most prominent Czech filmmakers of that time, is one of Europe’s oldest film schools. In the early 1960’s, it was the incubator for young film creatives who later became famous as the Czechoslovak New Wave. Today, FAMU is featured on the list of Hollywood Reporter’s annual TOP 15 international film schools, and the students, teachers and graduates are successful both locally and internationally.

October 26, 16:00–18:30

Lecture by FAMU Film and TV School (Czech Republic) tutor Martin Čihák: Introduction to the theory of editing

The ultimate and most important task of any editor is to maximise director's intention by moulding initial material (pictures and sounds) into the final shape of a film. The lecture is based on the analysis of three different terms commonly used to refer to the same type of work: cutting — editing — montage.

Martin Čihák is a filmmaker, tutor and film theorist based in Prague. He graduated from Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics and from FAMU’s Department of Editing in 1993. He got his Ph.D. from Charles University, Department of Film Studies in 2004. In his final paper he analyzed the compositional techniques of the avant-garde film. He has worked as an independent filmmaker since the mid-80s. In 2013 he published a book on experimental film called, The Underground River of Cinema (Ponorná řeka kinematografie). Currently he teaches at FAMU’s Department of Editing and organizes analogue hand-made film workshops.

The lecture is in English with consecutive translation into Russian.

Free admission. Limited number of seats. Please register in advance (link in Russian).

October 26, 19:30–22:00

FAMU Film and TV School (Czech Republic) films screening and discussion with FAMU tutor Martin Čihák

Presentation of FAMU films with critical introduction and a Q&A session after the screening of each movie. The films were directed by students from the editing department, or are the result of a collaboration between the directing and editing departments. Selected films represent various styles and genres.

Martin Čihák is a filmmaker, tutor and film theorist based in Prague. He graduated from Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics and from FAMU’s Department of Editing in 1993. He got his Ph.D. from Charles University, Department of Film Studies in 2004. In his final paper he analyzed the compositional techniques of the avant-garde film. He has worked as an independent filmmaker since the mid-80s. In 2013 he published a book on experimental film called, The Underground River of Cinema (Ponorná řeka kinematografie). Currently he teaches at FAMU’s Department of Editing and organizes analogue hand-made film workshops.

Films are screened in the original language with Russian subtitles.

Free admission. Limited number of seats. Please register in advance (link in Russian).

October 27, 16:00–18:30

Lecture by FAMU Film and TV School (Czech Republic) tutor Michal Böhm: Minimalism in cinema: from neorealism to contemporary movies

The lecture is cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control. We apologise for the inconvenience.

October 27, 19:30–22:00

Lecture by FAMU Film and TV School (Czech Republic) tutor Martin Čihák: The Czech film avant-garde

A retrospective of Czech avant-garde and experimental film. We will look at the work of directors whose creativity was driven by an inner desire of expression or discovery of unique creative styles. The Czech avant-garde cannot be simply defined by a comparison with the development of the same style in other countries and a focus on the superficial criteria of “novelty” or “freshness”. The key definition should be derived from the understanding of how these culturally independent films addressed and affected the social and cinematographic scene of their time.

Martin Čihák is a filmmaker, tutor and film theorist based in Prague. He graduated from Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics and from FAMU’s Department of Editing in 1993. He got his Ph.D. from Charles University, Department of Film Studies in 2004. In his final paper he analyzed the compositional techniques of the avant-garde film. He has worked as an independent filmmaker since the mid-80s. In 2013 he published a book on experimental film called, The Underground River of Cinema (Ponorná řeka kinematografie). Currently he teaches at FAMU’s Department of Editing and organizes analogue hand-made film workshops.

The lecture is in English with consecutive translation into Russian.

Free admission. Limited number of seats. Please register in advance (link in Russian).

The events will be held as part of the New Holland Island International Debut Film Festival Education Programme. The aim of the programme is to introduce the key European filmmakers and their creative methods as well as films by up and coming cinematographers and most current trends in contemporary cinema.

The New Holland Island International Debut Film Festival is a platform for daring cinema, whose aim is to open new horizons and challenge the established formats of filmmaking. The festival is part of the New Holland Island: Cultural Urbanization project and will take place in St.Petersburg.