New Holland Island International Film Debut Festival Education Programme. Master class by Irina Obidova: How to deliver a pitch

19:30–21:00 Pavilion

October 23, 7:30 PM

Practical workshops will be held in the New Holland Island Pavilion on October 16 and October 23 with the support of Kino.Platforma Potential, where students can learn how to pitch their ideas and how to get an international film grant.

Since 2014, Kino.Platforma Potential has organised script writing competitions and pitches for its own grants or commissioned by major Russian film and television companies. Irina Obidova will talk about the special features of pitching format, productive approaches to creating a speech structure and the main points to pay attention while preparing. At the end of the master class, everyone will have an opportunity to take part in a practical short training.

Irina Obidova — director, creative producer of Kino.Platforma Potential, creative producer of the youth film market Cinemarket

Kino.Platforma Potential is a production center and educational platform. The project supports the professional development of aspiring filmmakers, helps producers and film companies find new people and ideas. The centre organisers the annual youth film market Cinemarket.

Free admission. Limited number of seats. Please register in advance (link in Russian).

The events will be held as part of the New Holland Island International Film Debut Festival Education Programme. The aim of the programme is to introduce the key European filmmakers and their creative methods as well as films by up and coming cinematographers and most current trends in contemporary cinema.

The New Holland Island International Debut Film Festival is a platform for daring cinema, whose aim is to open new horizons and challenge the established formats of filmmaking. The festival is part of the New Holland Island: Cultural Urbanization project and will take place in St.Petersburg.