Theatre magazine lectures: Nika Parkhomovskaya — Alternative formats of world theatre

7:30–9 pm Pavilion


May 10, 7:30 pm

A lecture by theatre critic, curator, and producer, editor of Theatre magazine Nika Parkhomovskaya.

Free admission. Places are limited. Please keep a safe distance, wear a mask for the duration of the lecture, and stay home if you feel sick.

Please, register in advance. 18+

Lectures on Theatre

Theatre Magazine

Curator: Marina Davydova, theatre critic specialist in theatre history, Ph.D. in Art studies, editor-in-chief of Theatre magazine.

In the ten years of existence of an updated version of Theatre magazine, the oldest Russian theatre publication, it has published overviews of nearly all important issues and problems of performance arts.

Special issues were published about contemporary opera and dance, new spaces of the new theater, the phenomenon of performance, different forms of social theater, theater and new technologies, theater and religion, theatre and feminism. All these subjects will be represented to some extent in the series of lectures.

All course lecturers write for the magazine and are also well-known scholars and not only theatre critics. Sometimes they look at the theater from the art critics’ point of view, sociology, or even religious studies. During the lectures, the audience will be able to imagine the modern theater not as a huge crowded park, but rather a garden of diverging paths, as a space to and from which many roads lead at once.