The beach on the pontoon is open during summer. One can lie on real sand, look at the water and sunbathe on the beach chairs every day from 9 AM — 9 PM. Please be aware of the beach’s health and safety regulations.
The Rules
The territory of the pontoons and the beach is a high risk area. Visitors of this territory are obliged to consistently observe safety rules of using the pontoons and the beach (hereinafter “Beach”, “Pontoons”).
1. It is prohibited in the territory of the Pontoons and the Beach:
- to be in the state of alcoholic intoxication, as well as to be affected by narcotic, psychotropic substances;
- for persons aged below 14 to have no accompanying persons who are legal representatives aged at least 18. If a person aged below 14 is left unattended (unaccompanied) and with no proper control by the accompanying person, the park administration has the right to remove the minor and his/her accompanying person from the territory of the Beach.
- for persons to be there whose conduct may pose a threat to the order, safety, hygiene of the Beach or contradicts the rules of conduct accepted in society;
- to be in the territory of the Beach without a bathing suit (also topless);
- to use the pieces of furniture located in the territory of the Beach not as intended;
- to use pieces of furniture brought along as one’s own, as well as the pieces of furniture used in the remaining territory of the park (chairs, lounges);
- please do not attempt to open or close the beach umbrellas unassisted. If you would like to open or close one of the umbrellas, please contact the beach lifeguard.
- to use obscene language, shout or sing loudly, interfere with other visitors’ recreation;
- to relieve oneself outside toilets;
- to dump the sand in the territory of the Beach into the water body;
- to bring glass, sharp and dangerous objects to the territory of the Beach and the Pontoons;
- to carry food (except baby nutrition), have picnics, litter or worsen the hygienic condition in the area of the Beach, water body;
- to perform any actions that may cause the Pontoons to swing, including, but not limited to: running, doing work-outs, playing outdoor games, perform acrobatic movements such as somersaults and other dangerous jumps;
- to climb, bend over the sides of the Pontoons, descend into the water (also lowering the feet into the water), cast things into the water, remove things out of the water.
- to perform any actions in respect of technical equipment.
2. The Administration is not responsible for the safety of personal belongings. Any personal belongings / valuables left by visitors in the territory of the Beach / Pontoons are their sole responsibility.
3. The Administration is not responsible for any consequences regarding the health and belongings of visitors (injury, damage, other harm) or damage caused to third parties, nor does it accept or consider claims, if such consequences occur as a result of non-observance by Visitors of the requirements and recommendations set forth in these Rules, the information indicated on the warning signs and inscriptions, as well as non-observance of legitimate instructions of the staff of the Beach.
4. The park administration has the authority to deny a visitor access to the pontoon and the beach in case of exceeding the acceptable number of visitors on the pontoon and the beach (40 people simultaneously)
5. Non-observance of these Rules by Visitors, children and / or their accompanying persons is the ground for removing the violators of the rules from the territory of the Beach.