Lectures on Design: Irina Smirnova and Max Ilyinov — The secret life of the Cyrillic alphabet. Self-organising structures and neutrality

7:30–9 pm Pavilion


April 15, 19:30

A lecture by design cooperative of Irina Smirnova and Max Ilyinov.

Free admission. Places are limited. Please keep a safe distance, wear a mask for the duration of the lecture, and stay home if you feel sick.

Please, register in advance. 18+

Lectures from New Holland Island design team 

Curators: Ivan Herz, Artyom Strizhkov, Valentina Schapova, Igor Simkin, Anya Morozova 

Lectures on design aim to create a platform for leading independent studios, social projects, and research in the field of design. Lectures and film screenings, workshops, one-day exhibitions and first-hand insights will be offered once a month.