ITMO University lectures: Konstantin Fursov — Trusting with(out) checking: how to involve society in science today?

7:30–9 pm Pavilion


August 17, 7:30 pm

Konstantin Fursov is a candidate of Sociological Sciences, Deputy General Director for Science and Education at the Polytechnical Museum. 

Free admission. Places are limited. Please keep a safe distance, wear a mask for the duration of the lecture, and stay home if you feel sick.

Please, register in advance (link in Russian). 18+

Lectures on Science and Technology 

ITMO University

Curator: Daria Denisova, Director of the Centre for Scientific Communication at ITMO University 

A series of public lectures on science and technology from the ITMO University will take the audience to the epicentre of the technological revolution, where each day discoveries happen that expand the boundaries of modern ideas about the world and human possibilities. Leading scientists and popularisers of science will talk about how computer technologies predict the spread of epidemics, why economists want to scan the human brain and why the world is in no hurry to come to grips with climate change. Invited researchers of science will look at scientific and technological progress through the prism of social, political, and economic changes, in the context of reality, rather than in isolation from it. Lecturers will explain why machine learning interferes with our ideas about social justice, how scientific superpowers are born and where myths about science in cinema come from.