03/16/2020 - 04/30/2020

Dear Friends,

We are carefully following the situation with the spread of the coronavirus infection, and due to the current epidemiological situation we have to temporarily cancel our event programme and shut down the exhibition pavilion by David Hockney, Woldgate Woods, 2010. We do hope that with the return of warm weather all current issues will be behind us and we will meet again in the Bottle House courtyard at some jazz concert. The Park and our residents projects will remain open until further notice, but we are calling everyone to stay home, minimize usage of public transport, and avoid visiting public spaces and events. The Infocenter will as well be closed, all queries can be done by calling +7 (812) 245-20-35 or through our social media and website. We will not stop our online presence and promise to create an interesting content that will be broadcasted on our radio

Be safe and take care.

Always yours, New Holland Island team.